Health and Safety

School Health and Safety Statement

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 200

Staff Member Responsibilities.
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, (Section 13) places a number of obligations on staff members while at work.
These are:

  • To take reasonable care of your own health and safety, and that of other personnel who may be affected by your acts or omissions.
  • To cooperate with your employer on issues pertaining to health and safety.
  • To use any suitable appliance, protective clothing/equipment provided for securing safety , health and welfare.
  • To report to management without delay and defects of which you become aware in equipment, place of work, or system of work, which might endanger safety, health and welfare.
  • Not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with any safety measure provided. Such action will lead to disciplinary procedures.
  • To be familiar with the full safety procedures and safe work methods.
  • Not to be under the influence of an intoxicant while at work (including drugs and alcohol) and to submit to any reasonable tests for intoxicants, accordingly.
  • To attend and take account of any safety training, particularly where risk assessment states that this training is necessary.
  • Not to engage in improper conduct or behaviour (including bullying/harassment).
  • To immediately report to management or safety representative, all accidents and near miss


Fire Drill/ Emergency Evacuation Procedure

Staff are asked to familiarise themselves with the school’s fire drill/ evacuation procedure available in the link below.

Form – C – Procedure for Evacuation

A student friendly version of these procedures as well as an updated map are currently in development.


Subject Planning

Each subject department has integrated health and safety into their subject plans. Due to their practical nature, some subjects, such as Metalwork, Technology, Materials Technology (Wood), Art, Home Economics, PE and Science take added precautions when developing these plans. A safety contract is signed by both students and parents prior to taking these subjects.



First Aid

