Please see below some important information and guidelines for the upcoming parent teacher meeting on Tuesday 13/12 from 3.50 to 5.50pm.
- It is advised that parents/ guardians arrive as early as possible to allow for the best opportunity of meeting all teachers.
- When you arrive, please scan the QR codes present at the door to sign in for Health and Safety/insurance purposes.
- We would also suggest that you familiarise yourself with the location of all teachers that you wish to meet.
- Please note also that it is preferable that students do not attend parent teacher meetings however we do advise that you discuss the contents of the meeting with them subsequently.
HEAR & DARE Support
The University of Limerick will be in attendance in Room 1 during the course of the Parent Teacher meeting to provide information on the access to college routes of HEAR and DARE. This is a drop-in advice facility only that can be accessed at any time during the PT meeting and parents do not need to visit Room 1 unless these routes are relevant to them. Please see below for more information:
- What is HEAR? The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in higher education.
- What is DARE? DARE is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education.
Using the QR Code on arrival
Please note that this sign-in list is only for use in the case of an emergency/evacuation and will not be used for any other purpose. Many thanks.
Guidelines for Parent-Teacher Meetings
Please remember that you can contact the Year Head through our office in order to make an appointment to discuss an issue of concern. Your child’s class tutor and year head have a special role in taking care of your child while they are in our school and may be of assistance where the issue is not related to a specific subject. We also have career guidance available to meet you by appointment.
Due to the brief time available for each parent and teacher to talk about each student, we ask you to observe the following guidelines for the duration of the parent-teacher meeting.
- Please bring any helpful documentation with you: list of the relevant teachers’ names and subjects, student journal (see page in student journal for list of teachers), recent report, etc.
- Check you are in the correct line before queuing to see a teacher. Some of our staff members share the same surname, so it will be useful to know if it is Ms X the science teacher or Ms X the French teacher. Students and staff members will be happy to help if you have any questions.
- When you meet the teacher, please introduce yourself and state the name and class of your son. Teachers can sometimes find it hard to remember a face on such occasions even if they have met you before.
- Because of the number of people present at parent-teacher meetings, conversations may not be very private. If an issue arises that you would prefer to discuss privately, please inform the teacher and arrange an appointment for a later date.
- If an issue arises that is confrontational, try to address it in a manner that is respectful of all concerned. If you are unhappy with how an issue is dealt with, you may make an appointment to see the Principal/Deputy Principal to discuss it further