Invitation for Parents/Guardians to attend an ACCS/Microsoft Webinar on managing remote learning (a parents’ guide).
ACCS is delighted to host a 60-minute webinar on January 20th at 4.00 p.m. which will be focused on supporting parents and guardians with Office 365. This session will be delivered by Karen Burke, who is a teacher who specialises in the use the use of Office 365 as a platform for Teaching & Learning with a particular focus on Microsoft Teams & OneNote.
Session Overview:
- How to log in to Office 365
- Overview the Teams Platform
- File Structure within Teams
- Tracking Assignments
- Where to find assignment feedback given by a teacher
- The use of student gradebook
- Checklist in the event of a school closure & other resources
- How to access Student Support
- Q & A
Karen Burke is the Customer Service Manager in Microsoft Education Ireland in that role she supports the development and training to allow for the development of successful digital strategies in educational institutions. She is an MIE Master Trainer and specialises in the use the use of Office 365 as a platform for Teaching & Learning with a particular focus on Microsoft Teams & OneNote. Karen is an educator with more than 10 years’ experience in UK and Ireland and has previously worked in one of Microsoft Showcase Schools.
Please Click on the link below to attend the Webinar:
As there has been unprecedented interest in the event, it has been moved to another format. Anyone who wishes to attend does not need to register, just click the above link.
This should be an excellent session that will help all parents/guardians to support their student(s) in the online learning space. Thank you.
Please note the session will be recorded. ACCS will share the recording with the school after the session and we will share it with all.