The festive spirit was well and truly alive around John the Baptist C.S. in the weeks before the winter holidays. Teachers donned Christmas jumpers in the final days of terms. As well as the Carol service that occured as part of IN-2-ITION, students contributed to the Fr. Daly Food Appeal.
Students were asked to bring in a number of food items such as tins and soup packets, to fill hampers for local families in need over Christmas. Over the years, the school has been one of the biggest contributors to this county wide initiative, a vital lifeline for so many. A number of other activities were also held to support the food appeal – between a Staff coffee morning, a staff raffle and a student bake sale, over €827 was raised for this very worthy cause.
Also, though Santa is a regular visitor to the school in recent years, this year the Student Council created a wonderful Grotto for the big man himself. With the vital help and guidance of Ms. Catherine Woods, the students transformed the llbrary to a magical place of lights and warmth. Students entered through a darkened corridor of lights, leading to a beautiful photo opportunity with Santa and free sweets. Students made small donations and all monies collected were given to Childline. It was a truly festive experience for all involved.
John the Baptist C.S. would like to wish all its staff, students and their families a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, peaceful 2015.