Many thanks to Ms. Lernihan and the TY Coding class for all their work on this page.
Christmas Message
During this time, we must try stay safe at Christmas and protect everyone around us.
Here’s how to prevent the spread of Covid-19 over the Christmas holidays:
Try limit your close contacts and keep a short guestlist.
When guests arrive they are advised to use hand sanitizer and hugs and handshakes should be avoided.
Social distancing should be observed when possible.
When cooking or serving food, people are advised to wear a mask.
Try ventilate your home by opening windows and doors.
Covid-19 in Ireland
Christmas Changes:
Two households allowed visit.
Gatherings in churches limited to 50.
All restaurants and pubs open.
All shops are open.
Non-contact training in groups of up to 15 can take place outside but when indoor individual training only.