Design and Communication
Design and Communication Graphics (D.C.G.) involves comprehending, analysing and communicating information presented verbally or graphically. D.C.G. is assessed at two levels, Ordinary level and Higher level, by means of a student assignment worth 40% of the overall grade and a terminal exam (60% of the overall grade). The Design project invbolves the use CAD software SolidWorks and forms a significant and compulsory element of the design project. Problem solving and creative thinking skills are developed through the analysis and solution of problems in both two and three dimensions graphics. The main areas of study are: Plane and Descriptive Geometry, Communication of Design and Computer Graphics, and Applied Graphics.
The subject aims to:
- Develop the cognitive and practical skills associated with communication graphics, problem solving and critical thinking
- Develop the capacity and ability of students in the area of visio-spatial reasoning
- Provide a learning environment where students can plan, organise and present appropriate design solutions using a variety of skills, techniques and media
- Develop an appreciation for, and understanding of, aesthetic principles and their importance in design and the human environment
- Provide a basis for lifelong learning
Skills Developed
- Generating ideas: Application of theory to practical situations, Model building
- Gathering Information: Internet usage, Multimedia including books, drawings and CDs
- Testing Theories: Design realisation
- Reflecting: Project analysis, Project evaluation
- Questioning: Research projects, Analysing drawing problems
- Hypothesising: Observation of the use of projection systems in real life situations
- Observing: Relation of subject matter to everyday situations Demonstrations in class
- Interpreting: Problem solving strategies, Modelling 3d to 2d and the reverse
- Communicating: Drawing techniques, Computers ICT
- Experimenting: SolidWorks to represent problems
- Team learning: Project work
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