On behalf of the NAPD and a host of others, today marks G
RMA or “Go Raibh Maith Agaibh” day!
Please see below for some words from the NAPD to explain this event:
Since schools closed their doors last March and moved overnight to online learning and teaching until the end of the summer. The subsequent reconfiguration and adaption needed for safe reopening of all schools in August required a huge effort. Each and every member of the school community has put their shoulder to the wheel to keep our schools open. Our Teachers, SNAs, office staff, caretakers, cleaners, students, parents and all others who work in schools have all given unselfishly all that was required to make this happen. Our schools are open and are operational and our society is in a better place because of this. Today on Friday 11th December 2020, our country wants to acknowledge this effort. This video which includes tributes from President Higgins, an Taoiseach, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD and many other leading figures in politics, sport, education and the media. Many others have added their voice of gratitude on social media under the hashtag of #GRMA. Some have chosen to use radio to say “go raibh maith agaibh”, some the TV and others in the print media.
On behalf of John the Baptist C.S., there are no words that could address the gratitude we feel towards every member of our school community for their efforts to keep each other safe. Thank you to all.