Health and Fitness Week 2020 – Motivation Monday!

Welcome to the 2020 John the Baptist, Health and Wellbeing week with a difference! From Monday 11th to Friday the 15th May, we are going online to broadcast a week of fun, exciting and entertaining activities for you to do at home.  We have created a timetable set out of fun activities under 4 different heading: Physical Challenges, Mindfulness Activities, Nutrition and Baking, and Skills challenges. We encourage all students, staff & family members to get involved by:

  1. HAVING FUN!!!!
  2. Following the schools twitter account – @jtbcstweets click HERE  
  3. Follow the timetable below for the daily activities at the dedicated webpage: ‎
  4. Keep an eye on the daily updates of challenges/activities on the school website & twitter account.
  5. Send in your videos or pictures to the school twitter page using hashtags #JTBCS #health&wellbeingweek

Motivation Monday, 11th May

Physical challenge:

1 minute of Jumping Jacks or Burpees. Past in your time lapse video to @jtbcstweets #physicalchallenge #JTBCS #health&wellbeingweek. Need extra motivation? See Mr Deegan’s music choice attached:

Skills challenge:

See Mr.  Duggan set today’s skills challenge at 12 noon on the Twitter feed @jtbcstweets

Send in your attempt to @jtbcstweets using #skillschallenege  #JTBCS #health&wellbeingweek

Nutrition challenge:

Try mixing up a storm in the kitchen with this Berry smoothie!

Berry Smoothie

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Post in your finished product to @jtbcstweets #Nutrition #JTBCS #health&wellbeingweek

Mindfulness challenge:

Dingbats are visual word puzzles from which a well known phrase or saying has to be identified.

See Dingbats below and send in your answers any time during the week to


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Trickshot Challenge:

You have all week to be creative and have a go at a trickshot of your choice.

Tag @jtbcstweets and use #trickshot #JTBCS #health&wellbeingweek.


Please join our John The Baptist Community walking/running group on Strava. We are going to see how many kilometres we can clock up as a school community. Please see video to explain how to hide your activity while still being in the group.

We are one school; one community and we will do this together!
