The Student Council
The Student Council is a very important part of life at John the Baptist C.S. It represents that student body at all major events and consults regularly with management. It was part of a review of each of the policies of the school in each year.
The Senior Council meets once a week, normally at Senior lunch. All members attend. The Senior Council is made up of:
- Six Sixth Year students (four former Fifth Year student members, with two more elected in early September each year)
- Four Fifth Year students
- Two to four Transition a Year students (this varies with the year size)
The Junior Council consists of two representatives from each of the Junior classes (from First Year to Third Year), one boy and one girl. These representatives are elected in class, during CSPE class as it links heavily with the key concepts of democracy and rights and responsibilities. Students can let their class representatives know about any suggestions or issues. Two members of the Senior Council, the Junior Council Liaison representatives meet with the representatives regularly and relay their concerns to the Senior Council.
The full student council, both Junior and Senior meets at least three times a year, or if possible once a term.
Some of the activities of the Council:
- Part of the consultation process for school policies
- Represents the school at all major events
Some past achievements:
- Creation of memorial garden and purchase of sundial for garden centre
- Introduction of hot food
- Santa’s Grotto
Meet your Student Council Officers 2021/22!
Ruth Maher: (President) | Liam Kelly: (Vice President) | Katelyn Moloney: (Deputy Vice President) |
Peggy Donovan: (Deputy Vice President) |
Hello! My name is Ruth Maher. I am currently in Sixth Year and this year I have decided to take on the role of President of the Student Council. I chose to take on this role as I understand the importance of being heard in school. Last year, the voice of the students in John the Baptist Community School was difficult to project, however our goal this year is to make presence of the student council known. You’ll find us this year boosting school morale while collecting donations for deserving charities and raising awareness for various campaigns. I look forward to working with you all! | As part of the student council I want to improve life for students throughout the school. This is a very important part of student voice and I believe that the student council can be of great benefit to the students. | I’m a 5th year and I took on the role of Deputy Vice President because I’m passionate about bringing back the student voice and it being heard. It’s important to me that the students feel like they are being listened and that any issues/problems they’re having are solved as soon as possible. In previous years, the work of the student council has flown under the radar so having our work represented this year with clear communication to students about what progress is being made is brilliant. Some of the things I would like to see happen this year are the reintroduction of lockers, the return of after school study and more bins to aid in the correct recycling of waste at lunch. | I took on the role of deputy vice president to help my peers have a voice in our school. I want to make changes that reflect the needs and wants of current students while also benefiting future students. I am passionate about helping people and was delighted to be offered the opportunity to make a difference in our school. Some plans for this year include holding an anti-bullying campaign and increasing the number of bins available for effective recycling. |
Student Friendly Versions of the Policy – created by the Student Council