School Self Evaluation/Improvement Plan

Deeper Learning for all

Each year, John the Baptist Community School engages in School Self-Evaluation (S.S.E.), a collaborative, inclusive, reflective process of internal review targeted towards improving the learning experiences of all.
Please note Homework or home learning is a continuation of the learning that has occurred in the classroom, and the inclusion of active learning strategies is encouraged at home also. These encourage students to engage in reflection ‘as’ and ‘on’ their learning. Such strategies include: Bloom’s Taxonomy, 5Ws and 1H, the reflection arrow, success criteria (such as I must, I should, I could”), our spelling strategy (Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check), 3-2-1, DeBono’s Thinking Hats etc. These are included in the students journals pages 2, 3 and 10. Students are encouraged to use these approaches during every homework task, in order to increase the depth of their learning. This practice fosters their development as self-directed learners. For Junior Cycle, such strategies reflect the ethos and approach of the new Junior Cycle. As part of the new Junior Cycle, students will be experiencing a new area of learning called Wellbeing also. This will build on the work schools are already doing in support of students’ wellbeing and make it more visible for students, as a curricular element and curricular

Click on the icons below to see the SSE work that has been carried out to date at JTBCS:

                                                                     Literacy                 Numeracy            Student Reflection        Assessment

 Please watch the below video to get an insight into SSE in the school:

The Learning Schools Project

John the Baptist Community School is delighted to be a long term participant of the Learning Schools Project, a collaborative initiative between Limerick Education Centre and Cork Education Support Centre. The framework for this project is the development of the school as a self-evaluating school, which is a key element of current national policy with particular reference to Looking at Our School (LAOS) and School Self-Evaluation (SSE). Participation offers an opportunity to explore LAOS and decide on an aspect of the Teaching and Learning Dimension to focus on in terms of SSE, school development and school improvement. Schools that have participated in the Learning School Project over the years have benefitted hugely from their own individual, context-based innovation and development and from their participation in the LEC LSP

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