Orange Day

The school was a very bright place this Friday as it was bathed in orange tones for this year’s Orange Day for Cycle Against Suicide.

Teachers and students donned colouful clothing and interesting facepaint, resulting in some puzzled looks from visitors who happened to call to the school.

Activity was also the name of the game, with a martial arts demonstration, a bake sale and bike activities run throughout the day.

The Second Year P.E. classes also delighted the entire school population by performing a flashmob on the corridor at break time, spanning over two levels. Everyone was encoraged to take a picture with the C.A.S. wheel.

Orange lollipops for all were also hugely popular and a fitting end to such a lovely day in the school. Well done to the C.A.S. committee and all the teachers that helped to make this event so positive and such a success! Remember always that it is okay not to feel okay and it is perfectly okay to ask for help! #breakthecycle2017 #sharethejourney
