Please note that Limerick Education Centre is providing a free webinar for parents titled “Parenting your Anxious Child – Helping your Worrier find their inner Warrior” on the 24th of October, starting at 6:30pm. Pleas see below for further information.
Course Content
Experiencing anxiety can be debilitating for a child when the fear of being disconnected from their primary attachment figure becomes so great that in a bid to avoid it, their world dramatically shrinks. They may become unable to go on play dates, participate in extracurricular activities or even attend school.
A child experiencing anxiety is operating from the emotional centre of the brain – logic and reason are inaccessible. To counteract the effect the anxiety has, a parent must first connect with their child and then continue to relate through an attuned and sensitive relationship to re-engage the reasoning part of the child’s brain. This is easier said than done!
Parenting an anxious child with such a need for attachment can be stressful, frustrating and heart breaking in equal measure. It can be difficult to imagine them ever transitioning from worrier to warrior.
This introductory workshop will support parents to
• Understand anxiety and the impact it has on a child’s way of being
• Respond to those anxieties in a child centered, playful way
• Learn strategies to re-create a secure base from which the child can explore the world
• Explore how anxiety can lead to school refusal
Facilitator: Aideen Flynn
Aideen Flynn has worked with children in educational settings for 20 years, starting as a mainstream primary teacher, moving into SEN working specifically with children with an ASD diagnosis and then with children with complex needs.
Aideen is now a child and adolescent psychotherapist helping children, parents and teachers work together to enable the struggling child be the best he or she can be.
Aideen has her own private practice; “The Treasure Within” in Quin, Co. Clare and also facilitates parenting workshops and trauma informed teaching workshops both locally and nationally. The focus of all workshops is to empower the participants to be the agent of change in their child’s struggle. In each facilitation, the participant receives a multi-layered approach of theory and experiential learning.
Aideen is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Playtherapists and Psychotherapists.
For more information or to book, click: