Cabhair Team
John the Baptist has a well-established Pastoral Care System in the school. The Cabhair Team meet on a weekly basis. It includes representative from Management, Guidance Counsellors, Special Needs Teacher, Subject Teachers, SNA Personnel and members of the staff who are training in Pastoral Care. Each staff member has the facility to refer a Student to Cabhair by completing a Cabhair form. Each referral is dealt with and monitored on a weekly basis. All information in regard to students is dealt with respectfully and sensitively. Strict protocols are followed in how information is received, shared, stored and accessed.
Students who are identified with personal difficulties or challenges are supported and guided through a process of ongoing meetings with a member of the Cabhair team. Where necessary appropriate and supportive interventions are identified and applied. In as far as possible the school will try to meet the needs of the Student from within the school resources and expertise but at time may have to refer the issue to an outside agency. Parents/Guardians will be consulted and informed and all procedures in regard to Child Protection and Welfare is followed. It is the wish of the school and the Cabhair team that students develop and build personal development skills that will used throughout their lives.