Adult Education

John the Baptist Community School is dedicated to the ideals of life-long learning and education. The school is re-establishing our Adult Education Programme for 2024.2025. An enormous thank you to all those in our community who took part in the classes prior to Christmas.

Details of our upcoming courses for Spring 2025 can be found below or keep an eye on our social media accounts as  new courses will be added as they become available. If you have any questions about the courses, please don’t hesitate to contact Elaine O’Donnell on or at (061) 3838173.

Please see below for our Spring 2025 Brochure

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Art Class

Monday  7.00-7.45pm

Starting Monday 14th January – 24th March 

8  Weeks €75



Come along to enjoy lift exercise classes with Sarah Quinn, Mind and body coach. Two sessions every Wednesday, pick the time that suits you.


Wednesday 7.00-7.45pm


Wednesday 8.00-8.45pm 

Starting Wednesday 15th January – 26th March

10 Weeks €95


Come along to enjoy lift exercise classes with Sarah Quinn, Mind and body coach. Two sessions every Wednesday, pick the time that suits you.

Wednesday 7.00-9.00pm

                 10 Weeks – €100

      Starting 15th Jan – 26th March 


Be guided by renowned artist Robert Ryan while exploring your creativity, looking at a variety of techniques & media. Suitable for beginners and more advanced artists. Materials to be purchased after first class.

Craft Circle
Beginner Keyboard Lessons

Thursday 8:00-9:00pm

10 weeks – €95

A series of classes designed to develop strength, flexibility, balance & inner awareness. Suitable for beginners to advanced levels. Bring your own Mat


Thursday 6.00-8.00pm

6 Weeks – €100
Each week you will be guided through a new craft project and hopefully, will fall in love with a new hobby. Projects to include botanical castings, signature air-freshener, terrarium workshop, Christmas ornaments.
All materials included in price.

Thursday 7:00pm -8:00pm

8 weeks – €80 

16th Jan- 13th March

Jean Tierney will guide you through beginner keyboard lessons for 8 weeks

Spaces Limited 


Felting Workshop
Advanced Beginner Keyboard

Monday 7.00-9.00pm

Starting 20th January  – Monday 24th Feb (Excluding 3rd & 17th )

4 Weeks – €70

Get creative and design and make felt pieces & Design an Artistic Piece  for your home.  Material Supplied.
4 weeks

Thursday 8:00pm -9:00pm 

8 Weeks – €80

Starting Thursday 16th Jan – 13th March

Jean Tierney will guide you through beginner keyboard lessons for 8 weeks

 Spaces Limited 


Hand craft a solid wood piece of furniture using traditional jointing skills and finishing techniques. No prior knowledge or skills required. Materials supplied. Start date TBC (6weeks)

Flower Arranging


Learn the basic skill of flower arranging by making a possie, table centre piece and colourful arrangements. Materials required will be advised each night.


 Details to follow,

How to book:

1. Scan the following QR Code;


You will be requested to create a account and payment details will be available through Payzone.

2. You Click on the following Link;

3. Phone -061383283

Please call 061383283 to pay over the phone using visa debit  – Installments are available for those who are interested. 



