The school uniform is a key element of the school’s image. A full uniform in good repair is expected at all times.
Uniform policy
All Students must wear the following uniform in school or when representing the school.
Boys: |
Girls: |
Dark Grey Shirt (2) |
White Blouse (2) |
School Tie |
School Tie |
V-Necked Navy Jumper (with crest) |
V-Necked Navy Jumper (with crest) |
Mid-grey trousers |
Tartan Skirt |
Dark Leather type shoes |
Navy knee socks (2 pairs) |
Dark Leather type shoes |

Following discussions with the Parent Association, Student Council, Board of Management and Staff a uniform has been introduced for P.E.
P.E. Wear: The PE Uniform and School Jacket will be available from the school (approx €95.00) on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th August 2016, to include Rain/Fleece Jacket (crested in school colours), Navy Pants, T-Shirt, Rugby Shirt.
The school uniform is available from a number of local suppliers and retail establishments. These include:
• Aileen Ryan, Main Street, Ballylanders, Co. Limerick Phone 062-46647
• Shaws, Crescent Shopping Centre Limerick 061-227890
• Morans Charleville 063-21082
• O’Dea Fashions Ltd., 062-31080
The school PE uniform is available in the school at the beginning of each school year (Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th August 2016) from Loacra Sport. No other sports apparel is acceptable for PE or games periods.