PRIVACY NOTICE – Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Award
For the information of parents/guardians of students who will receive a 2023 Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) award
It is required by data protection law that before schools commence processing of any personal data a school must first bring a privacy notice on how the student’s personal data will be processed to the attention of parents/guardians. This privacy notice relates to those students who have undertaken Junior Cycle at Level 3, Level 2 or Level 1 of the National Qualifications Framework. Junior Cycle Level 3 includes exams set by the State Examinations Commission (SEC), where the provisional results are provided to schools and students in the September following the sitting of the State examinations. Junior Cycle Level 2 and Level 1 Learning Programmes are designed for students with particular special educational needs and is broadly aligned to Level 2 and 1 of the National Framework for Qualifications (NFQ) respectively. In some instances students will undertake a combination of a Level 1, 2 and Level 3 programme.
This document sets out the information in relation to how students’ Junior Cycle assessment data will be used to produce the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). The JCPA has replaced the Junior Certificate award.
Where student details are currently maintained on the Department’s Post-Primary Online Database (PPOD[1]) the JCPA will be produced by schools via PPOD. Where student details are not held on PPOD (e.g. special schools) the JCPA will be produced via the Junior Cycle Assessment Database (JCAD[2]).
Schools will be enabled to record additional assessment student data on PPOD or JCAD for the purpose of producing a Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) for each of their students who completes the Junior Cycle.
This approach enables
- schools to record on PPOD or JCAD the descriptors awarded in Classroom-Based Assessments in subjects and short courses and also reflect achievement in Priority Learning Units (PLUs) for students with special educational needs.
- the State Examinations Commission (SEC) to provide state examinations final results electronically to the Department of Education and Skills for upload to PPOD and JCAD and association of these results with each student.
- the Department of Education and Skills to provide the JCPAs electronically to schools/centres of education for each student.
- Schools/centres of education to complete the ‘other areas of learning’ section of the JCPA for each student and deliver the award to students. The ‘other areas of learning’ section of the JCPA allows the school/centre of education to report on other learning experiences and events that the student has participated in outside the formal timetabled curriculum. The data entered at school level for ‘other areas of learning’ will not be stored on the Department’s database.
- following production of the JCPA for each student the school/centre of education to retain a copy of the full JCPA for each student.
- the data to be anonymised once JCPAs are produced and used in statistical analysis. No identifiable individual data is used by the Department
It should be noted that only a small number of staff within the Department of Education has access to the personal data and then solely to provide technical support to your school/centre of education when it is using the PPOD or JCAD application.
Student data as set out below will not be shared with anyone else other than another post-primary school in which the student enrols.
Pursuant to Section 3 and Section 4 of the Data Protection Acts, you may access your personal data and request a copy of your data held on PPOD by contacting your school, or if you are a former student by contacting the Department of Education.
Under data protection law you may object to the processing of your data or seek to have the data corrected.
More detail on use of personal data by the Department is contained in the FAQ on PPOD available on
The Department of Education Data Controller for PPOD is the Principal Officer in the Parents, Learners and Database Section within the Department who can be contacted by e-mailing
The Data Protection Officer for the Department may be contacted by e-mailing
[1] Please see separate Privacy Notice on general use of P-POD at
[2] JCAD is the DE database developed to facilitate the production by Special Schools and Centres of Education of the JCPA.