On completion of the Junior Cycle 2022 your students will receives a JCPA (Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement). It will contain:
- Their state exam results
- The results/descriptors for completed Classroom Based Assessment/s
- Information on ‘Other Areas of Learning’ undertaken during 1st, 2nd and 3rd year in school.
- Information on Wellbeing.
The ‘Other Areas of Learning’ must be provided by the student. The student must provide 3 statements on Other Areas of Learning.
“OALs records student achievement, involvement, and participation across a broad range of areas of learning through in-school activities in Junior Cycle. Activities participated in outside of school are not allowed to be considered in the JCPA”
Their CSPE teachers will be working with the students to help them to complete these. The students are also required to complete MS Forms on the 3rd Year Student Hub by Friday 28th, May, 2022 @9am.
The PowerPoint below gives further details.