Leaving Certificate 2020 Results

Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stáit



Issue of Results to Candidates
28 January 2021

The State Examinations Commission (SEC) wishes to advise that the results of the deferred 2020 Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied and Junior Cycle Examinations which were held from 16th November to 11th December 2020, will be made available to candidates on Tuesday 2nd February 2021. The date of issue of the results will be notified directly to candidates today. From 12 noon on Tuesday 2 February, over 2,000 candidates who sat the Leaving Certificate Examinations across some 40 subjects, can access their results on the Candidate Self Service Portal available at www.examinations.ie and on www.gov.ie/leavingcertificate.

Candidates have been notified by email today, of the date of issue of these results. Candidates who sit the Leaving Certificate examinations will have access to the appeals processes. This will involve the opportunity, through the Candidate Self Service Portal to:

  • Access their actual marks and component marks from Wednesday 3 February at 9 am
  • Apply to view their scripts from Wednesday, 3 February at 9 am to Thursday 4 February at 5pm.
  • View their scripts between noon on Tuesday 9 February and noon on Wednesday 10 February,
  • Apply to appeal from Tuesday 9 February at 9am until Friday 12 February at 5pm.

The SEC will provide the Central Applications Office (CAO) with details of the Leaving Certificate Examination results for candidates who were not provided with Calculated Grades. For candidates who received Calculated Grades and who also sat Leaving Certificate 2020, the CAO will be notified of the higher subject grade achieved between the Calculated Grade and the written examination.

Leaving Certificate students who are entitled to a higher CAO offer on foot of these results, will receive a deferred college offer to start their course in the 2021/22 academic year. Higher education institutions making improved offers to students will be in contact with them during the week commencing 8 February. In order to take up a deferred offer, students who have not already done so must make a 2021 application to the CAO. Formal CAO offers of deferred places will issue in July.

If a student who has started first year of a course becomes entitled to a higher CAO offer following the written examinations and chooses to accept this offer in the 2021/22 academic year, attendance for the first year on the new course will remain eligible for free fees and SUSI funding as appropriate.

The results of the Leaving Certificate Applied examinations will be issued to candidates directly by email, while the results of the Junior Cycle Examinations for Adult learners and early school leavers will issue to the centres where they sat the examinations. They will also have access to the usual appeals processes.


