We look forward to welcoming all our school community back to school tomorrow.
Our aim is to maintain a full opening for all Year groups. However, please be aware that there will be some unavoidable disruption to learning and teaching due to the current situation.
All recommended infection prevention and control measures are in place in line with our school COVID-19 Response Plan.
No one with symptoms should attend school.
All students should be mindful of the following:
- hand hygiene
- Social distancing
- Reducing of social contacts
- the correcting wearing of masks
- the wearing of recommended masks (Public Health recommends the wearing of medical grade masks)
If a post primary student has tested positive for COVID-19:
- They will be contact traced by the National Contact Tracing Team.
- The National Contact Tracing Team will contact them and ask them to identify their close contacts.
- The student who tested positive will have to isolate for 10 days from the day their symptoms started or for 10 days from the day they had the positive PCR test. The student can return to school after this isolation period, provided they do not have a fever/temperature during the last 5 days of their isolation period.
Students who have symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home, isolate and arrange to have a COVID-19 test. There are 2 types of COVID-19 test available from the HSE: antigen tests (home test kits) and PCR tests (done at a test centre and sent to a lab).
Students (or anyone between 4 to 39 years of age) who has symptoms of COVID-19 are offered antigen tests firstly and they do not book a PCR test unless they get a positive antigen test result.
Note – If a student is identified as a CLOSE CONTACT of a case in their HOUSEHOLD, they will have to restrict their movement as per national guidelines for household close contact and get a COVID-19 test as soon as possible.
Further information is available at: https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/testing/get-tested/
Please see the see the below infographic as a quick reference guide:
We wish all our school community a happy, healthy new school year.